In the studio we will teach you the foundations of what it takes to be a “healthy singer”! You will learn how your voice works and how you can develop it into a musical instrument! Once you learn the basics, we will have you making beautiful noise in no time! Just be sure to practice, practice, practice!
We will:
Develop tone, breathe control, intonation, relaxation, and singing dynamics.
Gain awareness of the physical tensions and habits that may hinder an individual voice, and develop student’s physical, emotional, and technical capacity to sing freely.
Enhance each student’s confidence as an actor, performer, and singer.
Expand student’s vocal repertoire: Classical, Musical Theatre, Pop, and other Genres of student’s interests.
Act: Singing is only interesting if you understand and feel your text. We will work on “acting out” your pieces. You will be given monologues to improve your acting.
What you should know:
While you may have a tendency to think that singing comes "naturally" to some, one thing is for sure: "Practice Makes Permanent"! It removes bad habits and reinforces good ones. Understanding the art of healthy singing is key! One should learn about the art, do practical exercises, and listen to others who have a well-trained voice!Even singers who are considered "mainstream" share this behavior! They may live, eat, breathe, and talk about singing all their lives, They may even have the "natural" ability to sing. But, they also know and understand the art of healthy singing. They practice daily, have instructors and coaches, listen to their own voices, do breathing exercises, and stretch their vocal range little by little.
Singing and Voice lessons are taught on a private one on one basis. They are taught in a supportive, creative, and interactive environment. During the first lesson, you will be given a 10-15 minute recorded vocal warm-up exercise to be used between lessons to assist in developing your voice. Singing well involves practice. Your voice is a muscle and it needs to be stretched, toned, and trained. You will not improve if you do not practice! You will not only benefit from your own progress, but it will be a pleasure to teach you as well!
Tip: Record your voice lessons and your practicing at home. It is a great developing tool.
What you should bring:
Bring a tape recorder, digital sound device, or use your Smart Phone to record your lesson. Bring copies or books of your music from which you are working. If you do not have any music or are not currently working on a piece, no worries! I will provide some material for you to use and practice.
After studying and practicing some of the methods I teach, you will have a greater understanding of singing and will be better equipped to judge, work, and practice with your own voice. You will have confidence in your newfound skills to find your own range, style, and tone that works well with whatever you hope to do. It does takes time, but you can do it! Some people would have you believe that you are either born to sing or you aren't. This just isn't true. Anyone can "learn" to sing. Once you have a greater understanding of the methods, you can apply what you learn to practical exercises that will help you along the path to reaching your voice's potential.